Did I ruin my own photo photography


When it comes to photography, sometimes unexpected elements can enhance a photo’s composition and storytelling. In this blog post, we will explore the journey of a photographer who found that including a person in a landscape photo added depth and context to the image.

The Importance of Unexpected Elements

In photography, it’s essential to be open to unexpected elements that can elevate a photo’s impact. While shooting a landscape photo, the photographer initially framed the shot without any people. However, as the location was a busy tourist spot, individuals kept walking into the frame. Instead of seeing this as a disturbance, the photographer embraced the presence of a person to capture a more authentic representation of the scene.

Adapting Composition for Balance

Initially, the photographer felt that the composition was slightly unbalanced without a person in the frame. By adjusting the location and framing, the photographer aimed to create a more harmonious composition. This decision showcases the photographer’s willingness to adapt and refine their creative choices to enhance the overall visual appeal of the photograph.

Utilizing Different Orientations for Versatility

The photographer’s decision to shoot the photo in both landscape and vertical orientations highlights the importance of versatility in photography. By considering how the image would be used across various platforms, such as social media or full-length videos, the photographer demonstrated a strategic approach to capturing visual content. This adaptability allows for the image to be repurposed effectively in different contexts.

Adding Context and Scale Through a Human Element

In landscape photography, incorporating a human element can provide viewers with a sense of scale and context. By including a person in the frame, the photographer not only adds a point of interest but also helps viewers gauge the size and grandeur of the landscape. This technique is commonly used in landscape photography to create a connection between the viewer and the scene, enhancing the overall storytelling aspect of the image.


1. Why did the photographer initially frame the landscape photo without any people in it?

The photographer framed the shot without any people initially to create a balanced composition but later found that including a person added depth and context to the image.

2. How did the photographer adapt their composition to achieve balance in the landscape photo?

The photographer adjusted the location and framing of the shot to create a more harmonious composition and enhance the visual appeal of the photograph.

3. Why is it important for photographers to consider shooting in different orientations?

Shooting in different orientations allows photographers to enhance the versatility of their images, making them suitable for various platforms such as social media or full-length videos.

4. What role does a human element play in landscape photography?

Incorporating a human element in landscape photography helps provide viewers with a sense of scale and context, creating a connection between the viewer and the scene.

5. How can unexpected elements contribute to the storytelling aspect of a photograph?

Unexpected elements in a photograph can add interest, depth, and authenticity to the storytelling aspect by capturing moments as they naturally unfold, making the image more relatable and engaging for viewers.

By Jeffrey